Former Union Mill (right) and Bag Factory (left) of George West. |
Ballston Terminal Railroad trolley stopping at the Middle Grove hotel. |
Delaware & Hudson passing over the Kayaderosseras Creek, Ballston Spa. |
Inside a bottling plant in Saratoga Springs. |
Copeland covered bridge, Edinburgh. |
West Virginia Pulp & Paper Company, Mechanicville. |
Hudson Pulp & Paper Mill, Corinth (taken over by International Paper). |
Brookside Museum, once a hotel, as it looked in the 1880s. |
Train station at Forest Park in Ballston Lake. |
Delaware & Hudson through Ballston Spa (tracks have since been rerouted). |
Canfield Casino (now a museum) in Congress Park, Saratoga. |
Clark Textile Mill, Saratoga Springs. |
Drexel Cottage at Mt McGregor, where President Grant passed away. |
Former Boston & Maine RR station, Schuylerville. |
Surviving trolley bridge in Rock City Falls (Heisler Road). |
Former Ballston Terminal Railroad power house. |
Former Pioneer Paper Mill, West Milton. |
Tufflite Plastics, Ballston Spa. |
Finishing room at the Hudson Paper mill in Corinth. |
South Glens Falls Paper Mill. |
Sans Souci Hotel, built in 1803 and torn down in 1887, in Ballston Spa. |
One of the great battles of the Revolutionary War. |
Soldiers monument near village of Victory. |