Former Union Mill (right) and Bag Factory (left) of George West.

Ballston Terminal Railroad trolley stopping at the Middle Grove hotel.

Delaware & Hudson passing over the Kayaderosseras Creek, Ballston Spa.

Inside a bottling plant in Saratoga Springs.

Copeland covered bridge, Edinburgh.

West Virginia Pulp & Paper Company, Mechanicville.

Hudson Pulp & Paper Mill, Corinth (taken over by International Paper).

Brookside Museum, once a hotel, as it looked in the 1880s.

Train station at Forest Park in Ballston Lake.

Delaware & Hudson through Ballston Spa (tracks have since been rerouted).

Canfield Casino (now a museum) in Congress Park, Saratoga.

Clark Textile Mill, Saratoga Springs.

Drexel Cottage at Mt McGregor, where President Grant passed away.

Former Boston & Maine RR station, Schuylerville.

Surviving trolley bridge in Rock City Falls (Heisler Road).

Former Ballston Terminal Railroad power house.

Former Pioneer Paper Mill, West Milton.

Tufflite Plastics, Ballston Spa.

Finishing room at the Hudson Paper mill in Corinth.

South Glens Falls Paper Mill.

Sans Souci Hotel, built in 1803 and torn down in 1887, in Ballston Spa.

One of the great battles of the Revolutionary War.

Soldiers monument near village of Victory.